Resilient by Dvo

Resilient by Dvo

Resilient by Dvo is a line of hair products started by DeVorah Yisrael, a mom from Cincinnati. Starting with hair conditioner, she is helping women grow their hair back using all natural ingredients. 

DeVorah was able to grow her own hair back after a series of different hair disasters using her own products. She uses all natural products to reverse the damage of processing, bleaching, and more. 

Her conditioner contains 100% natural aloe vera, green tea, mint, shea butter, avocado oil and olive oil.

I got a chance to sit down and talk to DeVorah and try the product for myself. I have long (between armpit and mid back), super thick, low porosity hair. I used a pack and a half after using my regular shampoo. This conditioner left my hair super soft and shiny. My husband noticed too and said my hair color was richer (which I would just attribute to it being properly moisturized because I don't color my hair). It also smells GREAT with out being parfumy. I look forward to trying it on my daughter's hair. 

To hear our conversation check out Marie's Monologue on Anchor and other platforms! 

To Purchase Resilient Products visit the Resilient Facebook page or find DeVorah Yisrael on Facebook at 

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