Into the Womb-i-Verse

Into the Womb-i-Verse



The womb is the center of creation and while in practicality that means a new life it does not always have to be. A womb centered woman is fertile with ideas, new business ventures, new manifestations. She can take control of her ability to bring life into the world by listening to her rhythms and cycles and using plants for medicine if needed. 

Your womb is directly tied to your intuition and will often send you signs and tips as a first line of defense, if you know how to read the clues.

The uterus and the thyroid have a direct connection that is not fully understood by science but they are both endocrine glands meaning they play a vital role in hormone regulation and production. 
When I am womb centered, I feel better, I look better, and I find overall my life is easier and flows better. When I neglect my womb I find myself depressed, and angry, and life seems to bite back. 

How can you become a womb centered woman? 

  • Get to know your womb 
    • Look at your vagina. It is the gateway and gatekeeper of your womb. Touch it, and know what feels good to her
    • Know your cycle
    • Learn the language of your womb
  • Eat a womb centered diet.
    • Eat whole foods as close to the source as possible
    • Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water (if you weigh 140 you should drink a minimum of 70 ounces of water). I try to drink atleast a gallon of water a day. 
    • Avoid processed foods that are endocrine disruptors.
  • Be intentional with your thoughts, movements, actions, and words. "Do nothing without intention"
  • Read womb centered literature, I recommend:
    • Sacred Woman Queen Afua 
    • Pussy Prayers - Black Girl Bliss
    • Healing an Angry Vagina - Queen Afua

I have been on a journey of putting my womb first for about 2 years now. It's a journey with ups and downs. 

If you would like to join me on this journey I have created an exclusive group where I will share exclusive content and activities, host member only events, and access to an extensive digital and physical library. Member will also get discounts on different products and services each month. It's only 3.33 cents to join which is cheaper than your cheapest streaming service! To join the group visit 


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